Monday, November 4, 2013

Santa Claus came to 236 Bruce St. (2012)

Last year, Santa Claus came to to Town…. to 236 Bruce St. to be exact.  Here are a few photos from that day.  It was so great to have so many families and kids taking part in the spirit of Christmas.
A very special thanks to our Santa. 

Amanda B to Amanda W

Hallowe'en Fun 2013

Logan has surprised me the last few weeks.  This kid won't watch E.T. - he doesn't like his "scary hands" - but has had this obsession with Zombies and keeps asking to watch the Walking Dead (which isn't happening).  When told no, he can't watch it, he replies, "it's just zombies mom, it's not real.  It's just pretend blood".  Anyways….. Hallowe'en has been pretty uneventful the past few years, and it figures, the first year Logan is so excited, we have high winds and rain.  He did make it out to a few houses, and he loved seeing all of the costumes….and I, like all parents, have enjoyed my fair share of treats this week.

Last. Baby. Ever.

I don't know what it is….but….time is flying by way too fast this round, or so it seems.  Luke is almost 8 weeks….2 whole months!!  Where did those months go???  Time seemed to stand still when Logan was a newborn, and now I'm afraid I'm losing too much too fast.  I just want to cherish this tiny-ness forever, as this will be my last.  baby.  ever.  From the swirl atop Lukes head, to his tiny toes (which I haven't taken photos of yet!!!!!), I just want to smell his sweet baby smell, kiss his chubby cheeks, belly, toes, fingers, and hold him in my arms forever.  

Amazingly GREAT

There's something special about a Great, Great Grandma…..and Luke finally met his!  Oct 31st, I finally got around to taking the boys to Triple G's.  She hadn't met Luke yet, and as he was just over 6 weeks old, I was feeling guilty.  It was so magical to see them together.  The black and white photo speaks volumes…….

Nature Loving Family

This family is so amazing.  The love they have for each other and for the outdoors is awesome.  We ventured in the woods (when I was just over 8 months pregnant I may add) through trails to the beautiful spot where Barb and Matt exchanged wedding vows, then up the road to their tree stand and food plot for the deer.  Thanks for having me out!!